Whether your Social Security benefits are taxable (and, if so, the amount that is taxed) depends on a number of issues. The following facts will help you understand the taxability of your Social Security benefits.
Step 1. First, add one-half of the total Social Security benefits you received to the total of your other income, including any tax-exempt interest and other exclusions from income.
Step 2. Then, compare this total to the base amount used for your filing status. If the total is more than the base amount, some of your benefits may be taxable.
The base amounts are:
Where taxpayers can defer their “other” income, such as Individual Retirement Account (IRA) distributions, from one year to another, they may be able to plan their income so as to eliminate or minimize the tax on their Social Security benefits for at least one of the years. However, the required minimum distribution rules for IRAs and other retirement plans have to be taken into account.
Individuals who have substantial IRAs—and who either aren’t required to make withdrawals or are making their post-age 72 required minimum distributions without withdrawing enough to reach the Social Security taxable threshold—may be missing an opportunity for some tax-free withdrawals. Everyone’s circumstances are different, however, and what works for one person may not work for another.
Gambling Tax Gotcha – Because gambling income is reported in full as income and the losses are an itemized deduction, the gross gambling winnings increase a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income (AGI) for the year. This can cause more of your Social Security benefits to be taxable, even if gambling losses exceed your winnings, simply because winnings are added to the AGI and losses are an itemized deduction. If you have questions about how these issues affect your specific situation, or if you wish to do some tax planning, please